The dominance and control phenomena

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The dominance and control phenomena

With the world being radicalized and an increasing dominance phenomenon, people want to belong, and this allows another person’s voice into your head. We are free; we have been born free. We are not meant to be dominated to behave and think in a particular manner. Being able to think through a situation is our first and most important obligation to ourselves.

Yet many like to control or be controlled.

The fallacy of control becomes apparent when we examine the fundamental nature of reality and human relationships. Life is inherently unpredictable and constantly evolving, influenced by many factors beyond our influence. While we may exert some degree of control over certain aspects of our lives, the illusion of complete control is an illusion.

Individuals who exhibit controlling behaviour do so to compensate for their insecurities and fears. The need to control others can stem from a fear of vulnerability, a desire for validation, or a belief that one’s perspective is inherently superior. However, this quest for control ultimately leads to dissatisfaction and discord, as attempts to manipulate or dominate others only undermine trust and breed resentment.

Moreover, the controlling individual may display traits of narcissism, viewing themselves as infallible and entitled to dictate the thoughts and actions of those around them. This narcissistic belief in their superiority further reinforces their need for control, as they perceive any challenge to their authority as a threat to their self-image.

The ruthless edge often associated with controlling individuals reflects their willingness to prioritize their desires and agenda over the well-being of others. This can manifest in manipulative tactics, emotional abuse, or coercive behaviour, as the controlling individual seeks to maintain their sense of power and control at any cost.

In conclusion, this quest for control ultimately leads to isolation, mistrust, and unhappiness, as true fulfillment and connection can only be found through acceptance, empathy, and mutual respect.

My simple mantra: After living a life of different experiences and growing up in a multicultural environment, from Dubai, England, Hong Kong, and Canada and eventually India. Since the last decades, I have been a student of various masters’ teachings of life and its mysteries. As a positive psyche coach and workshop leader of Louis Hay philosophy, i believe in; our thoughts create our reality.

I do not want to control or be controlled. Control is a very negative concept and it is an illusion, as we are at the higher power’s mercy.

So, Live strong,
Trust life,
Be in Gratitude,
Believing it will all be good.

If anything, it will make your ride on earth happy and peaceful.
Written by: Dr.(hon) Farhana Vohra

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