A life well lived 2
Our power lies in; our thoughts, the images we visualize, and behavior. Sometimes, we think how we feel, and other times, we feel how we think! This is a contradiction but accurate; our emotions make us think or believe, and then we feel.
Every thought you have is sending out a vibration, a powerful signal with information and energy. The two levels of vibration = information and energy. And brain waves travel.
If we know that, why not use it to create the life we want and deserve and live it to its best potential?
Positive thoughts get positive outcomes; they attract people, money, and success. One of the thoughts that are critical to success is focusing on gratitude. If you are visualizing it, then you are drawing it. The mind can make the impossible possible; think of the ones that changed the world in the last 200 years, and your answer will be evident.
What you appreciate, appreciates!
Let me repeat it what you appreciate multiplies.
Sadly, most people focus on what they don’t have, and as a result, they attract more of it. We have the potential to have anything we truly want. It is our limitations that prevent us from getting them.
Another considerable contributor is the five people we have in our lives, who inspire us; they are our motivators. An old saying, “birds of a feather hang together,” is now being quoted by many thought-changers. For example, intelligent people hang with smart people, wealthy people with wealthy ones, and junkies with their friends. Read, study, and participate, as you have to give up making excuses. You can make a million excuses or a million dollars! Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you to achieve what you desire positively contributes to your road to success.
Another fact is that successful people are grateful, “Arigato” in Japanese is gratitude, being thankful for things we take for granted.
Successful people are willing to be uncomfortable. So, you must get comfortable being uncomfortable! Every time we do something new, we feel uncomfortable, but after a while, we tend to adjust.
Everything we want that we don’t have is outside our comfort zone!
Once you decide what you want, the means will show up. It is the “inner GPS” or Goal-Producing System; it doesn’t take any more effort to dream a big dream than it does to dream a small dream.
” If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small. “ Richard Branson
To get the life you desire in terms of relationships and success, set some breakthrough goals, and work towards them. Nothing is achieved without hard work and then some more, as the finish line is usually just around the corner when we tend to lose focus and give up.
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