A life well lived
How much of our lives do we lead to our best potential without fear?
Are we capable of believing that things will always pan out in the end? In life, we have no control over events, only over our Responses.
Event + Response equals Outcome.
With no control over the event, only over our Response, our choices lie in our Response.
The defeatist one is blaming what happens, as we then subject ourselves to being a victim.
The finality of life has always intrigued me, the roads we travel and the choices we make, and through this, I have a deep consciousness that it will end. Not end one day but anytime. We behave as though death is unexpected, yet it is one of the surest realities of life. Everything that lives passes away.
There is so much grief when we lose a loved one, yet it is shocking to see our apathy for those alive. We tend to mourn the death of those that have left us, while we can be oblivious to the pain we cause to those that are living.
For example, when we learn that someone has a terminal disease and has one year to live, we are horrified by that finality; at the same time, we live like it is infinite.
Freedom lies when we take control of our lives and choices and seize independence that we fail to exercise. Even through COVID followed by the Ukraine crisis, events were happening, and we had no control over them; our response strategy was the only way we could gain perspective, build resilience and have some power over our outcome. The resilience we build to adapt to change, the agility to new ways, as the point of power is always in the present. Knowing that our choices of what we invite today will pave the way to tomorrow.
“Every adversity carries a seed of equal or greater benefit.”
“The New Better, New better instead of New Normal.”
So, what is the opportunity, we can create to find a place where new agency and opportunities exist? Take the actions to get the life we desire, to change our mindset to solution-oriented.
When we change our thinking, we slowly change our lives.
Let me explain; we have energy, and this is a proven fact many times over. Think of someone, and they will call, feel something, and it happens. Intuition is a powerful tool; what the eyes do not see, they think, and we know. We can change the “Outcome” by changing our energy towards it.
We have an inner source of a charge of bringing to ourselves the life we want; how we manifest our life is in our daily compounding of choices. How we do a small thing leads to the bigger ones that slowly become habits. Good habits give good results.
I am not going into prayer, although I am deeply religious and spiritual; in connecting with a higher force, we lead a less fearful life. Feeling a presence that cannot be explained but only felt. The profound strength we get when there is a force that is much larger than our imagination.
Our power lies in; our thoughts, the images we visualize, and behavior. Sometimes, we think how we feel, and other times we feel how we think! This may sound like a contradiction, but accurately, our emotions make us believe, or we think, and then we feel.
Next week for part 2 of this theory and analysis.
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